Simvitro Hero

Cattle Embryos

SimVitro® embryos improve return on investments, genetics and reproductive efficiency in dairy and beef cattle.
HerdFlex Logo

SimVitro® HerdFlex™ beef embryos take your beef-on-dairy program to the next level. These full beef embryos are specifically-mated to excel in carcass quality, ribeye size and $B. The resulting calves will perform in the feedlot and on the rail.


SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos are specifically-mated to create superior replacement animals for beef and dairy cattle producers. The high-quality grade 1 embryos allow the producer to select both sides of the pedigree, providing more control and selection for consistency.

three cows
three cows

A New approach to IVF in Livestock Operations 

These premium Jersey, Holstein, Angus and targeted beef breed embryos are a new way for implementation of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in your cattle operation.   


White Cow
White Cow

Innovation Builds Opportunity

SimVitro® cattle embryos result from decades of the J.R. Simplot Company’s animal science research and development dedicated to making commercial application of in vitro fertilization (IVF) economically feasible.

IVF with SimVitro® embryos help you meet a variety of herd goals:

  • Changing herd genetics in a single generation
  • Increasing the economic value of calves
  • Implementing an efficient, cost-effective breeding solution for crossbred cows
  • Improving pregnancy rates in heat-stressed and repeat breeder cattle
  • Reducing dystocia due to birth weight in heifers

Why In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)?

IVF is the process of fertilizing oocytes collected from donor cows with semen in a laboratory setting. It has been proven to improve reproductive quality and efficiency in both dairy and beef cattle.

5 ways IVF can improve your operation: 

  1. Increased herd production
  2. Improved product quality
  3. Wider variety of donor genetics
  4. Higher pregnancy rates during times of heat stress
  5. Cost control 

Learn more ways IVF makes sense for your business.