Consistently meet herd goals

Control costs and quality
With flexible, tiered-pricing options SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos help you improve pregnancy rates with specific genetics for high market value cattle. Four levels of precision help you improve animal genetics and reproductive efficiency in both dairy and beef cattle. Learn more
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Ordering HerdBuilder
SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos are available to order directly through the J.R. Simplot Company’s Animal Sciences division or our national network of trusted distributor partners. Please contact us via phone or email for fast, friendly service.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How can SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos help change my herd?Within one generation, SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos can be used to create a specific type of calf that is of high genetic value, despite the genetics or parentage of the recipient cow(s). This allows for a more rapid rate of genetic progress on a whole herd level.
Can SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos help with crossbreeding?The strategic use of SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos can support a consistent level of hybrid-vigor in a crossbred herd by allowing each generation to have the same breed combinations and percentage influence.
Why are SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos recommended as a solution to seasonal challenges in reproduction?SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos can improve the pregnancy rate in a herd by overcoming heat stress. Previous industry research using commercial IVF embryos showed a 10 percent increase in one-cycle pregnancy rate vs. AI in the same herds. Heat stressed animals show an improvement because the implanted embryo circumvents fertility-related challenges and starts with the placement of an already viable embryo.
Are SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos cost-effective?Industry experts estimate that a 1 percent increase in 21-day pregnancy rate can yield up to $25 per cow per year in returns, depending on current milk process and a dairy herd’s current pregnancy rate. Research has shown that the use of embryos can help overcome challenges related to low fertility level females.
What is the genetic level of SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ calves?SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ can create genetic levels of calves to meet the unique and specific needs of the customer. Even without customer-provided genetics, SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos can create calves that are above-average for the cattle population.
What level of genetic progress can be achieved with SimVitro® HerdBuilder™?The strategic use and implementation of SimVitro® technology offers any producer a new and unique opportunity to accelerate genetic progress in a herd over traditional AI or even conventional embryo transfer. The customized options that are available help intensify both the generation interval and the genetic goals and uniformity of any herd. HerdBuilder™ embryos further accelerates economic advancement in any herd.
What can Simplot’s expertise do for me?The J.R. Simplot Company’s deep knowledge of the IVF technology and commercial agriculture allows it to leverage multiple market approaches to help producers achieve their goals. Simplot has a deep, pioneering history in plant and food agriculture, which has fueled research for new ways to develop and feed animals in sustained ecosystems. A strong understanding of commercial-scale food resource development and production has provided the spirit to take advanced reproductive technologies – such as IVF – to a scale beyond breeding stock production and allows commercial dairy producers and cattlemen alike to apply the technology to their businesses.
What are SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos?SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos are commercially produced IVF embryos. They are created using Simplot GROs (Genetic Recover Oocytes) from herds around the USA.
What are Simplot GROs (Genetic Recover Oocytes)?Simplot GROs are the specific oocytes used to create SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos. Simplot GROs are sourced based upon a customers’ goals and needs. GROs may be sourced from average females, high production females or the customer's herd. Each group of GROs is mated to a proven sire to maximize the resulting embryo’s genetic potential
What genetics are available?SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos can be made from any breed, with any sires. Standard commercially available inventory focuses on three breeds – Holstein, Jersey and Angus. Breed-leading sires are used for optimal genetic value of the embryos.
If I use SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos to change my herd, how do I continue?SimVitro® products provide a full spectrum of customized options. For producers that seek to maintain a consistent, repeatable genetic base for multiple calving cycles and/or generations, SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos of the same specifications can simply be transferred into the first generation of animals to maintain consistency. SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos allow you to continue using the same strategies beyond the first generation.
What level of labor and expertise is needed?SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos can be transferred by any trained technician; the use of frozen IVF embryos even makes it viable to use embryos with the same flexibility of artificial insemination.
What pregnancy rates can I expect?With SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos, you can expect to achieve pregnancy rates similar to AI. Heat stressed and repeat breeders should show an improvement in pregnancy rate over AI, because the implanted embryo circumvents fertility-related challenges and starts with the placement of an already viable embryo. As with pregnancy rates in general, variability can be great due to environment, animal management, recipient quality and even seasonal impacts.
Is there genetic information or production records on the dam?Because GROs may be sourced from average females, high production females or the customers herd there are varying levels of information known. Contact your SimVitro® representative for more information.
What is Simplot’s level of experience?Simplot has invested decades of research and improvement to make commercial application of IVF embryos feasible and profitable. SimVitro® HerdBuilder™ embryos are backed by the trusted Simplot brand, ensuring producers have the service, commitment and expertise to improve their agricultural business from a pioneer in the same industry.
Frequently Asked Questions are provided for general informational purposes only and are accurate to the extent of their scope and purpose. These FAQs do not constitute veterinary advice and are subject to change.
Products listed are merely distributed by Select Sires, Co-op, Inc. Buyer assumes all responsibility for use, storage, and handling of these products. In the unlikely event that any of the products shall be proven defective, damages from their use shall exclude consequential damages and be limited to their purchase price. Simplot and its affiliates, subsidiaries, agents and employees disclaim warranty expressed or implied including (without limitation) the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. SimVitro is a registered trademark and HerdFlex is a trademark of the J.R. Simplot Company. All rights reserved.